Are There Differences Between Members of The Different Centrals? For example, from: ASFLAT®, ASFI®-AWBIS®, ASFWHO® and FEDASF®-IFAWBAS®
The advantages of being an ASFLAT®Member, part of ASFI®-AWBIS® or even ASFWHO®, is that there is NO difference in the Memberships or Categories that exist between these Centrals (you could only find some variations in the credentials), but, As a Member, you will be recognized anywhere in the world, where we have a presence, just by presenting your Credential!
Become a Member of
Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®-ASFI®
The Categories and Memberships in AWBIS®-ASFI®, International, are all the same. Only those of the Federation change.
Category "C" - Color Blue
Category Members L-03
- Collaborating Member, with Skills in some area. (with or without any profession)
- You will be given your Member Credential in the Corresponding Category.
- You will Receive a Member Certificate, if you make a Donation, or with Supplies.
- According to their Skills , they will be able to Positions in areas, that are necessary and of their interest *. (*Must be Approved)
- Obtain Positions of: Correspondent and Local Coordinator.
- Eligible for the Position of: City Correspondent (In your City).
- When Accepting a Charge: from the first time will be for 1 year. After 1 years in your Position, you can Renew for 2 years, a Replacement, if you Change Category.
- Every Collaborating Member is "vital" in Campaigns of High or Low Impact.
- Are Identified: by Credential color Blue . And his Blue ribbon, in Campaigns.
Category Members L-02
- Collaborating Member Administrative Capacity (with or without any profession)
- You will be given your Member Credential in the Corresponding Category.
- You will Receive a Member Certificate, if you make a Donation, or with Supplies.
- Can Obtain Positions of: Advisor and Assistant Secretary, that are necessary, or areas of their interest*. (* must be approved)
- Obtain Positions of: Correspondent, Local or Regional Coordinator.
- Eligible for the Position of: Regional Correspondent (in your country).
- When Accepting a Charge, from the first time will be for 1 year. After 2 years in your Position, you can Renew for 2 years, or Change of Category or Promotion.
- Every Collaborating Member is "vital" in Campaigns of High or Low Impact.
- Are Identified: by Credential color Blue . And his Blue ribbon, in Campaigns.
Category Members L-01
- Collaborating Member with Mixed Skills. (with profession) .
- You will be given your Member Credential in the Corresponding Category.
- You will Receive a Member Certificate, if you make a Donation, or with Supplies.
- Can Obtain Positions for which they have the Ability and it is Required. According to Abilities, Skills and Interests.
- Obtain Positions of: Correspondent, or Office Advisor, of a Region of a Country .
- Eligible for the Position of: Local Deputy Representative. (City or Region)
- When Accepting a Charge, from the first time will be for 1 year. After 2 years in your Position, you can Renew for 3 years, or Change of Category or Promotion.
- Every Collaborating Member is "vital" in Campaigns of High or Low Impact.
- Are Identified: by Credential color Blue . And his Blue ribbon, in Campaigns.
Category "B" - Color Orange
Category Members B-03
- Therapist Members: Acupuncturists, Naturopaths, Homeopaths and Physical Manipulation Therapists. (All Variant)
- You will be given your Member Credential in the Corresponding Category.
- You will Receive a Member Certificate , if you make a Donation, or with Supplies.
- Obtain Positions of: Deputy Representative, Local Representative, or in Areas of any of the Centrals, or granted by the UDB™
- When Accepting a Charge: from the first time will be for 1 year. After 1 years in your Charge, you can Renew for 2 years, a Replacement, if you Change Category.
- They Can: Obtain Positions, that the Unified Directors Board, UDB™ offers them. (Requires approval of the ASFWHO® Committee).
- Can be: "Advisor" in Low Impact Campaigns. (Normal Campaigns)
- Are identified: by your Credential color Orange . And Orange ribbon, in Campaigns.
Category Members B-02
- Professional Members: Acupuncturists, Naturopaths, Homeopaths and Physical Manipulation Therapists. (All Variant)
- You will be given your Member Credential in the Corresponding Category.
- You will Receive a Member Certificate , if you make a Donation, or with Supplies.
- Obtain Positions of: Deputy Representative, Local or Zonal Representative., or in Areas of any of the Centrals, or granted by the UDB™
- When Accepting a Charge: from the first time will be for 1 year. After 1 years in your Charge, you can Renew for 2 years, a Replacement, if you Change Category.
- They Can: Obtain Positions, that the Unified Directors Board, UDB™ offers them. (Requires approval of the ASFWHO® Committee).
- Can be: Guide, in High or Low Impact Campaigns. (Normal Campaigns or not).
- Are identified: by your Credential color Orange . And Orange ribbon, in Campaigns.
Category Members B-01
- Clinical Members: Acupuncturists, Naturopaths and Homeopaths with minimum experience of 5 years.
- You will be given your Member Credential in the Corresponding Category.
- You will Receive a Member Certificate , if you make a Donation, or with Supplies.
- Obtain Positions of: Representative, Regional Representative, or in Areas of any of the Centrals, or granted by the UDB™
- When Accepting a Charge: from the first time will be for 1 year. After 2 years in your Charge, you can Renew for 3 years, a Replacement, if you Change Category.
- They Can: Obtain Positions, that the Unified Directors Board, UDB™ offers them. (Requires approval of the ASFWHO® Committee).
- Can be: Head on High or Low Impact Campaigns. (Normal Campaigns or not).
- Are identified: by your Credential color Orange . And Orange ribbon, in Campaigns.
Category "A" - Color Green
Category Members A-03
- In this Category: The Member's Position, is granted, since 2020, by: the Unified Directors Board, must be ratified by 49+2% of the UDB™. (Not requested). They Could Be : Deputy Directorate, Directorate, Deputy Managers, Managers, and others. Coordinating Life Members.
- Positions in this Category are awarded at the discretion of the Unified Directors Board.
- When Accepting a Charge: from the day you assume it, it will be for 1 year . A year and 30 days, will vote, a mandate of equal time. Designate a replacement. If another Superior Category, or Position is Offered to you.
- They are Members who may propose: Projects, Campaigns and "Annual Roadmaps", (They must be Approved Before being Executed).
- You are given your Member Credential with the Corresponding Position Assigned.
- You will Receive a Member Certificate , if you make a Donation, or with Supplies.
- Member with Power to Grant Positions with the Consent and Approval of the Unified Directors Board; in the Areas of: AWBIS®-ASFI® or, ASFLAT® and ASFWHO®.
- Are identified: by your Credential color Green .And Green ribbon, in Campaigns.
Category Members A-02
- In this Category: The Member's Position, is granted, since 2020, by: the Unified Directors Board, must be ratified by 49+2% of the UDB™. (Not requested). They Could Be: Deputy Direction, Direction, Deputy Management, Management, and others. Life Members Advisors.
- Positions in this Category are awarded at the discretion of the Unified Directors Board.
- When Accepting a Charge: from the day you assume it, it will be for 2 years . At 2 years and 30 days, votes , a mandate of equal time. Designate a Replacement. If another Superior Category, or Position is offered to you.
- They are Members who may propose: Projects, Campaigns and "Biannual Roadmaps", (They must be Approved Before being Executed).
- You are given your Member Credential with the Corresponding Position Assigned.
- You will Receive a Member Certificate , if you make a Donation, or with Supplies.
- Member with Power to Grant Positions with the Consent and Approval of the Unified Directors Board; in the Areas of: AWBIS®-ASFI® or, ASFLAT® and ASFWHO®.
- Are identified: by your Credential color Green .And Green ribbon, in Campaigns.
Category Members A-01
- In this Category: The Member's Position, is granted, since 2020, by: the Unified Directors Board, must be ratified by 60% of the UDB™. (Not requested). They Could Be: Regional Directors, Director, Regional Management, General Management, and others. Honorary Members of the Committee.
- Positions in this Category are awarded at the discretion of the Unified Directors Board.
- When Accepting a Charge: from the day you assume it, it will be for 3 years . At 3 years and 30 days, votes , a mandate of equal time. Designate a Replacement. If another Superior Category, or Position is offered to you.
- They are Members who may propose: Projects, Campaigns and "Triannual Roadmaps", and Projects (They must be Approved Before being Executed).
- You are given your Member Credential with the Corresponding Position Assigned.
- You will Receive a Member Certificate , if you make a Donation, or with Supplies.
- Member with Power to Grant Positions with the Consent and Approval of the Unified Directors Board; in the Areas of: AWBIS®-ASFI® or, ASFLAT® and ASFWHO®.
- Are identified: by your Credential color Green .And Green ribbon, in Campaigns.
NOTE: We want to remember that the “Categories” are not discriminatory, under any circumstances. They have one purpose, that of identifying Members of Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society, according to capacities and aptitudes.
For example: during a post-disaster campaign, where chaos prevails, seeing the ribbons on the arm of our Members, with the “Identification Letter”, helps us to know and identify, not only where they are, but also who to turn to when: An Expert Professional is needed, when a Physical Manipulation of reliable hands is required, when we need Supplies or when we need a Guide, to name a few, but it is a long, etc.
Also remember that all the people who are part of our great family, we speak different languages, we have different cultures, we are from different countries, but above all… we are the same. Not only before our Rules and Regulations.
Join now! the Membership is Free from May 2020, forever!
Register or Renew, and continue being part of Acupuncturists Without Borders Society AWBIS®-ASFI®
Do You Already Know Why You Should Join?
There are too many reasons… but we can tell you some
To "Be" Part of the AWBIS®-ASFI® Volunteering, and make friends
To "Learn" every day, something New. To Learn is never too late.
To "Meet People" with Equal Interests, to talk and make partners