Our Interactive Map: with Information

On the map you will find where we have Central Offices, Representations, Correspondents Ambassadors, Delegates and also what activities we have carried out, the location and year of the action or launch of a New Office… And we are going for much more, with the new strategies. The colors on the map indicate: AWBIS®-ASFI®Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society” or “Acupuntores Sin Fronteras Internacionales“, simplified: ASFI®-AWBIS® (in Orange color) FEDASF®IFAWBAS®Federacion Internacional de Acupuntores Sin Fronteras y Sociedades de Acupuntura”  or “International Federation of Acupuncturists Without Borders & Acupuncture Societies” or also the intervention of ASFWHO®” Acupuncturists Without Borders World Humanitarian Organization (multilanguage letters ASF) “(in Blue, color), and ASFLAT® “Acupuncturists Without Borders of Latin America and the Caribe” with NAHSFI®“Naturopaths and Homeopaths Without Borders International” (in Dark Green color).




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