CONGRATULATION! We Recognize and Value Members who Renew their Membership. We appreciate your choice to continue with the philosophical principles of Solidarity and Help; We hope,  we will be more in contact, we have a lot to talk about and many projects to do, and we want you to be part of it. Welcome again.

Hi! First we need to know who is going to Renew their Membership. Okay?

All fields marked with an * indicate a required field.


You should start 2 two letters + 6 numbers and 2, or 3 or 4 letters at the end (varies by country, continent and position) you should see something like this on your credential: XX-123456-WS, XX-123456-ASF, or XX -123456-ASFI, XX-123456-AWBI, XX-123456-FED or XX-123456-WHO. or other older ones. (Required).
Fields with your Names and Surnames must match your official identification. (Required)
It may be a different one if I change it since your last Registration. (Required)
You must select ONE of the main Classic Categories. (Required)
(Optional). (All Special Memberships advertised are subject to approval by the International Unified Directors Board, and only ONE per Member is allowed). If you wish, more than one Special Membership describe which one, in Item 9. OTHERS.
(Required) Of these areas you can only select One, but with which you are Responsible. If you require or consider that you can attend, more than one Location describe which, in point 9. OTHERS.
These areas are Optional, (but highly necessary) If you can help with any of them, please check them. If you can in more than one describe which, in point 9. OTHERS.
These areas are Optional, (but highly necessary) If you can help with any of them, please check them. If you can in more than one describe which, in point 9. OTHERS.
Optional) Describe here, separated by commas, each area of interest or in which you want it to be included. Please enter the number and name of what interests you (as in the texts shown). Thank you.
(Required). Enter your Country of Birth first, then the Country of Current Residence.
(Required) Yes, not Identify with "Male or Female", use the "Custom" field.
(Optional) The data that you enter in this form are protected by our Personal Data Protection Policies.
(Required). It must be the same that appears on your Official Identification.
(Required). Make sure that all the information is correct, so that, if you send postal correspondence to your address, it arrives correctly. Do not use P.O Box.
+ (Country Code) + Number. (Optional).
+ (Country Code) + Number. (Required) (Optional) (Optional) (Optional)
(Optional). Contact is very important since 2020, for the Board of Directors. We will try to have more contact with all Members. This field only supports numbers.
Optional field, do not put any Website if it is not yours.
(Required). What is your current job? o In what area do you work?
(Required). This field is vital, since it allows us to know your skills and abilities, also to know your motivations, this will allow us to guide you, to renew and direct your capacities towards a "Correct Membership".
(Optional). But if you have Comments or "Suggestions" they are welcome. Thanks for your time!
(Required). Names and Surnames must match their Official Identification. The Date in mm/dd/yyyy format will be the date of its renewal. It is important!
I expressly declare and consent, by my own will, to provide my Personal Data, which are required for the Registration and Affiliation process. I declare that all the information I have provided is correct and truthful, which may be verified by the documentation I will submit. I also declare that I wish to be a Member of the Organization to which I register consciously and voluntarily. For this reason, and for the purposes of starting my Affiliation, I have filled out this Form. (Required) Without the Express Consent of Providing Your Personal Data, we will not be able to process your Affiliation and Registration. See: GDPR Data Privacy Policy.
I Understand that My Personal Data will be Protected and that it will Not Be Transferred Outside the Organization, under any Circumstances. (Required) Personal Data will Never Be Transferred Outside the same Organization, there is a "Privacy Committee" that will Ensure that Your Data is Protected. See: Policy and Legal Notice.
(Required). It will be grounds for Rejection: Former Members with a history of illegal acts, Breaches of the Rules, Discrimination, People or Entities that were Banned from the Organization. Provide False Data. (See the Policy at the footer of this website). Or see: Policy of Acceptance or Rejection of Affiliations.
My duty upon being accepted into AWBIS®-ASFI® is to continue to protect the good name of the Organization. Understood, I declare to accept the Guidelines, Regulations. I promise to Read, Know and Respect them. If I do not understand something, I will contact the International Central, by whatever means they provide. I know that, if I need it, they will assign me an Advisor, so that he can answer my questions to make use of my Membership and exercise my Volunteering; in the Areas of my skills, or the ones I have selected. (Required)I accept the above so that they can process my Renewal as a Member.

NOTE: After sending your Registration, you will be directed to the page where you can view and download the Documents to Send, in the event that you need to update your data. Thanks

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