If You Want to Help Us, Here You will find all the ways you can Help...
How to help? In many ways!
At AWBIS® there are several ways you can help. Here you will find the place from where to do something for others, joining and being part. There are multiple and wide areas where his intervention would be important, leaving a mark on his life.
We will try to be brief and graphic. Registering and being part of “Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society”, (which since May 2020 is free), is an excellent start, since you will be able to belong to a multidisciplinary team.
To be part of the AWBIS® International volunteering, it is not essential to be a Health Professional, there are many areas, from administrative, social networks, communication, assistants, which are always essential, so much so that without Collaborating Members, we could not do many stuff. Registration is free. When you submit your registration, you may, if you wish, make an optional voluntary donation. To Support the Organization with a Donation, it is not mandatory to be a Member.

How to help? Being a Member Donating Communicating Sharing Inviting With your skills With Ideas Sponsoring Campaigns Being a Host or Hostess Organizing Trainings

Become a Member AWBIS®
Being part of a volunteer, whether professional or not, but you feel that You Can Help others, with Traditional Oriental Medicine Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Homeopathy. Even without a related profession, there are always areas available to you in the Organization, in which You Can Help.

Donate what You Can!
Support us, with your donation, there are no fixed amounts, and you can do whenever you want! You Can Donate the Amount You Want. ASFLAT® from AWBIS® International, send a Certificate of Appreciation to those who give us a Contribution, and We Will Be Very Grateful.
Thanks for Donate.

Communicate what we do
You, especially if you are a Member, in any category can help us, also if you are a Host, or you like what we do, spread it! to all people, each of our social objectives, to invite them to see the webs, which have relevant information, and invite them to be part of our family.

Share on Social Networks
Being a Member of AWBIS® you can help us in a great way, sharing activities, our websites, and everything we do and do on your social networks. Invite them to visit us, on the AWBIS®-ASFI® websites etc. We lack staff dedicated to social networks and sending newsletters.

Contributing Ideas
As a Member, or with a Position, in any Category of AWBIS®-ASFI®, you can send your ideas to the International Central, it is important that each person involved contributes their ideas, that help us achieve objectives , to Keep Moving forward and Helping.

Invite New Members
Important task, As a Member of AWBIS®-ASFI®, invite Others, Explain the Benefits, that Registration is Free, that they Can Make a Career and Merit in the Organization. We Need more Hands and Minds in many Areas of the Organization, with needs.

Help in various areas
If you are already a Member, or not yet, but want to help, please, Contact us through the forms of any of the centrals, and tell us in which area you can help. We will be happy to find the location according to your needs, and the times you can give us.

Validate yourself in AWBIS®
The AWBIS®–ASFI® Organization issues an Accreditation and Certification of Excellence to Clinics, Professionals or Teaching Centers of Traditional Oriental Medicine, which comply with the Basic Requirements and Quality Standards of AWBIS®-ASFI®

Sponsorship a Campaign!
You, like anyone, Can Sponsor an AWBIS®-ASFI® Campaign with a Donation in your City or Community, in your Country, in those areas, where you know they need health care. Contact us for more information!

Be an Attention Host!
A Commendable Task is that you gather People who need it and Host or Hostess of low-cost general “Attentions”, of AWBIS®-ASFI®, for “Integral Treatments”, in the place where you reside. Contact us, let’s talk… and let’s do it Together!

Invite your friends!
Talk to all your Friends and acquaintances About the Possibility of Host or Sponsor a Campaign AWBIS®-ASFI®, in your Town, or even Attention and Training, we have to Train NHP “Natural Health Promoters” and ONH “Operator of Natural Health”

Organize Trainings!
Organize and communicate your intentions so that We Can Train Therapists or People interested in the ASFI®-AWBIS® Programs, Natural Therapies in Emergencies (NTE), and Auricular Therapy in a Shock or Emergencies (ATSE).
In the International Regulations there is an Accounting Transparency Standard
Our “Accounting Transparency Standard”, which is contained in the Regulations; It tells us, as a duty, to inform Members and Donors where their contribution is directed and in which area it is used.
Donations are handled by the Accounting Areas of the Unified Directors Board, Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®-ASFI® A.C Non-Profit Civil Association. (In previous years it could be handled by the Directors that exist in each country, but since the end of 2019 that changed, and only the Accounting Department, with supervision from the Unified Directors Board, can be audited).
The expenses and percentages shown here are the most basic, since each Member of the Unified Directors Board of ASFI®-AWBIS®, FEDASF®-IFAWBAS, ASFWHO® and ASFLAT® contribute monthly from their own private income, (not from the Organization), helping to maintain the entire organizational structure.
It is Thanks to the Unification of Centrals that we will see results, hopefully very soon.
Since the unification of the four Official Centrals we have managed to lower maintenance costs. We have not yet reached the goal of paying for more spaces, (especially new offices). Nor where should the Assemblies be held, (since the Directors of the Unified Directors Board live in different countries and geographical areas). Nor have we been able to achieve (despite requesting it in each world Central), maintain a stock of materials, or meet the cost of transfers to countries, which need our help.
To ensure that professionals and volunteer members, such as some UDB Director, obtain roundtrip transfers. (as announced in the Rules and Guidelines). This action would stimulate growth, but we still depend on each Member who participates in campaigns to move on their own. (Something that should change in the next few years). Occasionally, there are People, Schools or Companies that help us with the transfer of volunteers to one of the campaign sites, which unfortunately does not depend solely on us, as it should.
The Volunteer Members need: travel expenses, lodging and food, something that we have still been able to do, on minimal occasions, from the Organization; Nor has it been possible to maintain a fund for emergencies (it has always been used in each campaign) which it would be vital to have for eventualities, these and others are the “Priority Objectives in this new stage of the Organization”.
Your contribution, whatever the amount, that you may contribute, will always be welcome and you will receive our greatest thanks.
Annual Expenses in AWBIS®-ASFI®
The annual expenses presented here do not have the breakdown of each item, it is the annual global, expressed in percentage points.
Would it help us with a Donation?
You can donate for Specific Causes, or in whatever amount you want. Any Help will be Welcome. Donate!, Many people will appreciate it. Thank you!

Culture of Donate? That contribute?
Help to AWBIS®-ASFI® continue to provide free services in all world. You can find a place in AWBIS®, from where, to help, to provide assistance in places with many needs.
Donate helps us to be able to carry out each of the Sanitary Projects, low impact, such as high impact, with AWBIS®-ASFI® and as in those of care in post-disaster communities, where they suffer trauma, discouragement, fear, loss of everything one owned, where therapeutic containment is needed. Resources are necessary for us to run and help.
“It will be a dream come true”, when in each campaign we carry out, we have the necessary funds saved, “before proceeding with our help.” And have funds before carrying out any campaign, in order to “project” and meet the health and aid objectives of the Organization.
Thank you for what you can do to “Help Us Help”
Medical team members help patients outside hospital after an earthquake and a tsunami hit, on Sulawesi island on Sept. 2018.Photo by AFP
Join now! the Membership is Free from May 2020, forever!
Register or Renew, and continue being part of Acupuncturists Without Borders Society AWBIS®-ASFI®
Questions about donations
Have you ever wondered why it is Important to Donate for Social Causes?
Either for low-impact health projects and campaigns, such as those of high impact, AWBIS®-ASFI® and , or those of aid in post-disaster communities, where they suffer trauma, discouragement, fear, material or emotional losses, always the economic resources, are necessary, so that we can execute them and help them.
Something We Always Dream of at AWBIS®-ASFI®
A dream come true, would be, if in each campaign that we carried out we had the funds allocated, or saved, before being able to proceed with our help. Or even have funds before carrying out any campaign, to help us and have what is necessary to meet the objectives of the organization.
Objectives that are: help and provide health services through Traditional Medicines such as Acupuncture, which is very useful in post-disaster traumas, or in health campaigns in communities far from hospitals or health centers.
But, very sadly, this is not always possible. In general, a campaign in a certain place, exceeds the costs previously calculated, for what is necessary, to resort as possible to the Members, to obtain the necessary resources, often urgent, or giving those who are going to help what they can and have at your reach.
Yes, it is sad, we know it, we fight every day so that there is a strong “Culture” to donate, and to help others.
From Whom Do You Receive Donations AWBIS®-ASFI®?
If you had thought about government grants, or large companies. You are wrong!
Most donations are received from what our Members can contribute. As an NGO, we could receive from Companies, (which we could benefit from advertising their brand and as a “solidarity benefactor”), also from Educational Entities (which we Benefit with Advertising and Recommendations for Studies) and as “benefactors solidarity” of the Organization. Anyone who is willing to donate, we extend a warm and kind thanks.
Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®, a Non-profit Organization, does not receive resources from: Governments, States, or Religious Organizations.
Most of our resources are obtained from our Members and their solidarity. In many cases, especially when emergencies arise, needs increase, materials and personnel are scarce, and a lot of effort must be made to be successful in a campaign.
If you have a Training Entity, or are a person, who do not have financial solvency problems, or are a Company, you can help us with campaigns, which are intended to help those most in need, in normal or emergency situations, make your solidarity contribution, such as an important donation.
We will benefit you with publicity of your Entity, Person or Company as a donor and we will give you a present for your help, a significant recognition, something simple, but that will be gratifying for You, and of Great Contribution to the Organization.
We will be in Contact at all times, so that you know where your donation is destined, and if you consider it, we can inform you of the steps and destination of your contribution.
We Give You Important Reasons to Donate
It is a form of Social Commitment, in the face of Current Global Imbalances. Today hundreds of people begin to understand the importance of helping, and they make the decision to do so.
It is a way of Reinforcing a Commitment to Society, to people who live in this era of globalization and technology, but with all this modernity and technology at their fingertips, there are still millions of people who do not have the means of accessing comprehensive health, or are affected by circumstances adverse to them, such as natural disasters.
In this way, many people begin to realize, and become aware that there is a problem and that they need their solidarity and act supporting the social objects of Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®-ASFI A.C, they mobilize and it is achieved that this help arrives.
It is also a form of: “Personal Satisfaction”, because feeling good about oneself is a strong reason to help with a donation, for good causes, or for the fact of knowing that we are contributing a grain of sand, to so much inequality, and that it is helping, in some way, by finding partial solutions to mitigate the lack of health care in various social sectors.
In these times where capitalism and consumerism predominate, the place in which most of us live, it is a great relief to know that there is the alternative of making donations, for these types of causes and others (thousands that need attention) but from our vision, health care is necessary by natural means, and we must achieve in this and the coming years that there is more willingness to donate, so that it is more visible, that in human beings, solidarity and altruism is part of our nature.
Donations in general, of any amount, are those that form the main element to achieve and be able to promote one or more campaigns.
Especially when the resources that may be available are not enough to cover the costs of a mobilization in a health campaign. So, donations are vital to buy the materials. So that the volunteer professionals and members can arrive, access the place, stay, eat and move to be able to carry out their work, that nothing more and nothing less than: “The Health of the Less Favored”.
Making a donation will help with the necessary impulse, so that in the short term, different campaigns and fixed settlement projects are promoted, which are necessary in many communities.
We know that everyone understands the importance of our international work, and the importance of reaching more people with more resources. To those people who understand, become aware of the environment, who donate and make their contribution. Thank you! on behalf of the Unified Board of Directors composed of FEDASF®-IFAWBAS®, ASFI®-AWBIS®-ASFWHO® and, ASFLAT®. We reiterate our most infinite thanks to Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®-ASFI®, a Non-profit Organization.
What do they do with the Donations? What are they used for?
Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®-ASFI®, Non-profit Organization, it is financed mostly, with contributions and donations from the Members of the Organization, and sometimes, very rarely, from some individuals who understand philanthropy, in some countries of companies, and products and services that we offer to the public, with our brands.
Since its foundation Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®-ASFI®, contributes from the same Directors of the Unified Board, a contribution of 8% to 10% to the total annual budget. for its Administrative Operation.
The annual budget is made up of expenses, for things so simple, but really important that the operation of the Organization depends on it, such as: the payment of rent for the Official Centrals or Small Offices, Telephones, Electricity bills, Water, Stationery, and various office supplies among other expenses that arise every day. (Not counting the expenses of the Tools that we require for each Campaign, which the Members usually contribute)
For Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®-ASFI®, being able to count on recurring donations from Members, Companies and Individuals who donate is vital. Well, it is thanks to Donations that we can make a real change, locally, nationally and globally. Today more than ever we depend on it, since Membership as a Member is Free.
With your help we can continue to maintain the projects that are already in operation without the need to replicate activities, as from the crisis of 2008 to date.
We have proposed that, since 2020 (today hit by the global pandemic of Covid-19), so it will be, from 2021 that we will do all the best effort, to create more awareness about “The Importance of Donate, to a World Organization”, who gives and provides his help and contribution, whenever he can, with health care in “Normal Situations” and “Catastrophes or Emergencies”. Always through Natural, Ancestral and Oriental Medicines such as Acupuncture.
Especially in the post-disaster emotional support, the victims and those who lost everything. In help with natural health campaigns that we carry out in different deprived communities around the world. Trying to create a bit of awareness, teaching, about health and basic care, food, hygiene, drug abuse, consumption of ultra-processed foods, among many topics that Members and Directors teach.
Many projects that we want to start, need your support, it is the only way to develop new social aid programs with free treatments with Traditional, Western and Eastern Medicines.
Of course, without neglecting the objective of responding to post-disaster emergencies; where they need us. (Many people, after this pandemic will be left with consequences, losses and really, they will need all the help that can be provided). Now, at the moment that you are reading this text there are thousands of needs and “People in Need”, in different parts of the world.
“The Point is… to Help”
MAKE A DONATION and be a Benefactor of an Organization that since 1968 provides its services and permanent help in various parts of the world
We extend our greatest Thanks to You for your Support! Thanks from the 💓
Would it help us with a Donation?
You can donate for Specific Causes, or in whatever amount you want. Any Help will be Welcome. Donate!, Many people will appreciate it. Thank you!

There are Multiple Ways to Help in AWBIS®
You, like us, know the importance of creating a Global change, from nutrition and health. Being a Voluntary Member will allow you to see the global news, where we seek an approach, towards the awareness of “Natural Health and Sustainability”.
You can be a participant in helping to bring about social change. If we know… there is a lot of work to be done, (and that we do every day), there are challenges to be met, more projects to start, and more people who need us and also Volunteer Members than for these objectives.
Be part of that change that Acupuncturists Without Borders International Siciety, is making, every day in the world! Join! Contribute your help, to the Society, and to this planet, which needs us and will help you!
“The point is… to Help, for you, for me, for everyone”
If you want Information about “Become a Member”, “Voluntary Donations”, about How to report what we do? You want to “Help but don’t know how”, you want to “Sponsor”, or be a “Host” in your place of residence, or you want that we are going to give trainings of “Promoters and/or Operators in Natural Health of AWBIS®-ASFI®“, for the benefit of your community … Write us by pressing the contact button and tell us all the questions you have. As soon as possible, we will contact you to answer your questions. Please note that many “Common” questions are found on the FAQ’s page of this very website.