Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society, World Organization.
We know that time is crucial for many people, for that reason; If you already know the web, here we give you quick access to the main actions. Now, if you do not know the web, we invite you to find out by visiting it and asking your questions through the ways we have implemented. All the exposed is so that it is informed and knows us. Enjoy the new version of the website of Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society, AWBIS®-ASFI® Non-profit Organization. NOTE: Blue Buttons “for Members“
Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society, AWBIS®, is a World Organization of People and Health Professionals, who voluntarily provide humanitarian aid, teaching, creating health actions, to improve the lives of people.
Applying and giving knowledge, in the area of natural health that is sustainable for the community. We promote various actions, through Professional Members in Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Homeopathy and Natural Medicines, including Non-Professional Members, all over the world. We also carry out Campaigns in Post Disaster places, to reduce the Trauma and Stress that they cause. Get to know us, you are important, you can make a difference, we invite you to be part of AWBIS®-ASFI® Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society. We Need You to Improve more Lives!
Being a Member is the will to unite with equals, who, out of humanism and empathy, coincide in helping those who need it most, freely, voluntarily and in the time available. Never out of obligation, but with the objective of improving health, serving communities, training, or taking action after a disaster. As a Member, you learn the “Meaning of providing Help to those who did not have, or there is no one, to help them today”, whatever help you can give them, it will always be well received.
Being a Member of AWBIS®-ASFI® makes you part of a group of people, from multidisciplinary areas, from all over the world, who provide time and skills, for the same purpose. “The Health of people with Ancestral and Natural Medicines”. By providing training, which will help them stay healthy, then they themselves can provide assistance in their communities for free, or with a voluntary donation, applying what they have learned in our training. Following this, one of the Organization’s Objectives: “Create a Global Sustainable Help Network.”
This Group of people will be part of you, and your life, if you allow it. It is not necessary to be a Professional. You can also learn! It is never too late, and there are no limits.
The limit is up to you. In AWBIS®-ASFI® 40% of Volunteer Members are not Health Professionals. And you know what? It is these People, they are the ones who most support us in Attention and Campaigns, without them we would be lost. Because everything would depend on the health personnel who attend, if there were no collaborating people who support us in what we need. Don’t limit yourself. Help those who need it most. Join today, and be part of our international family.
Since 1968, or second conformation, “AWBIS®-ASFI®” has strived to be different from the first. Expanding in each meeting on Guidelines, resolutions that today are part of the Regulations to be a fully inclusive NGO. Dedicated to promoting the Standardization of TCM in all countries. Promoting care and help through Acupuncture, Naturopathy and Natural Medicines, in the world. With each and every one of the Members, we continue to fight, in this new stage, carrying out various actions, such as Aid, Training, Normal and Humanitarian Campaigns, with more Members, with more hands, with more Strategic Alliances, with great force. Doing what our slogan guides: The Point is… to Help!
From Normative Changes, to achieve Unification, the New and Renewed, World Directions, all this, it took us a long time, which was worth it. Integration was achieved, although it was not without its drawbacks. Finally, in 2019, the incorporation into a single “Unified Directors Board”, was unanimously achieved. That governs, internationally.
Today, we have new and improved Guidelines, Regulations, Standards and greater flexibility to enter. Abbreviated rules, for Members, and simple and free access. An important area such as ICSAN® was added. A better and controlled Regulation that was outdated, and with some deficiencies, in legal updates, being externally advised.
A priority, and pride in ASFI®-AWBIS®, is having participated in multiple post-disasters, where logistics is essential, to reach the scene of the event (whenever possible). We apply all the medicines, knowledge, and every helping hand, in trauma, pain, containment, or help in general and in various settings. We coordinate with the offices, Members, Guides and Directors, to continue the route outlined; for whatever is necessary, and that is within our reach. Many times, alone, others with NGO’s friends. We have participated in multiple situations, as can be seen on our interactive map. We believe that words are not necessary for everything done, but for everything that we would like to be able to do. So, we continue forward, with strength, patience, friendships, camaraderie, and also, with encounters and disagreements.
If you firmly believe that you can help, in any area, be a Member, share your skills, and together we will reach everyone who needs us, in all possible areas of health. Also Administrative and Organizational areas. You can be the difference. You can stay “Watching life go by”, or you can “Be part of a change in your life and that of others”… you decide, we invite you to be part, so that you can proudly say “I’m part of Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®-ASFI®“. The dream of making a healthier world, a more just world, and a better world, is also part of our dream.
In Campaigns, very diverse, and in different countries of the world. Many of these activities are programmed in places where we have already detected, or we know that we can be of help. Other more complex campaigns such as humanitarian ones, which must be well coordinated, after some natural, accidental or provoked disaster. Where the anguish, loss, stress and trauma are present, it is there, where we can be of great use. It is thanks to the people who are really involved, all united, and the most active Members, that we can help, with what is within our reach. Without collaborators, supporters and Members, we would not be who we are. We will always be grateful. If you like helping others, learn, gain experience. We await you as a Member of AWBIS®-ASFI® International.
The Agreements, National or International with Educational Centers, are related to their size, capacity, subjects and number of careers (related to AWBIS®-ASFI® International). In Special Agreements, the validity that it has in your country will influence.
Agreements with Small Educational Centers, or those that are currently of “Unofficial” or “Unregulated” Education, are as viable to carry out Agreements, as those Educational Schools that have “Official” validity. The type of Agreement will change, depending on the type of Establishment.
It should be borne in mind that the Guidelines and Regulations of the Organization only admit an Agreement with the “Primary Entity” not with its Subsidiaries, which it may have. Each Subsidiary must have its own Agreement. But you can make as many Agreements, as necessary.
The International Council for Safe Acupuncture ICSA® was born in 1999, began a transition in 2018, and changed in 2019. Today called ICSAN® International Council for Safety in Acupuncture & Naturopathy, in Spanish, “Concilio Internacional para la Seguridad en Acupuntura y Naturopatía”. It is constituted as a Special Area. Supervised by ASFI®-AWBIS®, for Acupuncturists and by ASFWHO® for Naturopaths.
It has three Levels of Professional Certification, which Registered Members can Access. This Certification is what will guarantee that you are a Professional, who practices under International Guidelines and Regulations on “Safety in Acupuncture and Naturopathy”, in its different modalities. The Certificate (and in some countries license) indicates that you are a “Safe International Member in Acupuncture, Naturopathy or both”
It is with great joy. That we inform all Members and non-Members of AWBIS®-ASFI® and their Areas of belonging, that the “Unified Directors Board”, UDB™ in English, or “Junta Directiva Unificada”, JDU® in Spanish, or , was finally approved. This will translate into: saving resources. A single World Directors Board, a Single Regulation and Guidelines, and no longer any more Differences Between the Countries, in their Members, or the Differences that existed Between the Members, of each Continent.
This World Directors Board is more Direct, Centralized and Efficient than the previous ones, which were divided. So, with pleasure, we welcome each of the new positions of Global Directors, that make up the New Unified Directors Board of AWBIS®-ASFI®, to be Better and United.
There are many reasons… but we announce some: First you should know that: Register in Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society AWBIS®, is Free from May 2020, the requirements are simple, with more possibilities to choose areas, than in previous years not it was possible. Nor does it require verification of knowledge as if you were affiliated with the IFAWBAS®-FEDASF®, which, as a special area, if you request knowledge requirements and a (test) being mandatory to have a minimum stay of 5 consecutive years, in AWBIS®-ASFI®, or in any of its Areas.
At AWBIS®-ASFI®, this is not the case. Whether you are a Professional or not, you today Can Be Part of our great international family. You will be able to Access Positions, in which you are trained, or access areas where you will receive free training, you will also have the opportunity to send your Research Projects to be Published (under your authorship), Train to be a “Validated Instructor and Certified by AWBIS®-ASFI®”, and dictate our trainings in your zone, area or country. And yes, there is much more…
Membership in AWBIS® does not require a Knowledge Verification, unless you want to obtain ICSAN® professional verification.
With your consent, Your Name and skills may be incorporated into the Professionals web browser, which will give you a greater presence in the membership. Being a Member of an NGO, which belongs to various Organizations and International Federations that provide support.
You will be Recognized, after Registering and being Approved as a Member, and if you give us your consent to appear in our list of professionals in ASFI-PRO® by ASFI® it will make your Membership have more Professional value. The list is both for Collaborating Members, non-professionals (Administrative for example), and for Professional or Clinical Members, and that with each renewal, they will continue to be within the standards of AWBIS®-ASFI®.
Being a Member of AWBIS®-ASFI®, will benefit you, in your Profession, but also, in the eyes of other Organizations, since the New Credentials give you access to benefits, and you can also request the New Certificate in each Renewal cycle Membership, and over time you will be offered positions or promotions, for your years of Membership in AWBIS®-ASFI®, including your Global Member Credential that is Accepted in all Centrals of World.