From Here you can Apply for ICSAN® Certification
Can all Acupuncture, Naturopathy and Homeopathy Professionals apply to ICSAN®?
To apply for the ICSAN® Certification, whether for Acupuncture, Homeopathy or Naturopathy, it is essential to be a Member of one of the areas of the ASFI® “Acupuntores Sin Fronteras Internacionales” , or AWBIS® “Acupuncturists Without Borders International Society”, or ASFWHO® “Acupuntores Sin Fronteras – World Humanitarian Organization ”, or ASFLAT® “Acupuntores Sin Fronteras of Latin America and Caribbean”, or FEDASF® “Federación Internacional de Acupuntores Sin Fronteras y Sociedades de Acupuntura”, or IFAWBAS® “International Federation of Acupuncturists Without Borders & Acupuncture Societies”, or the NAHSFI® sub-area “Naturopaths and Homeopaths Without Borders International”. All are candidates to apply for the ICSAN® Council Certification.
Now, in the Principles and Fundamentals of the Organization, in its Rules and Regulations for inclusion, it announces: “That the Professionals of Acupuncture, Homeopathy and Naturopathy will seek Standardization and Safety, in the Quality they provide,” all professionals of these Medicines can be applied through two actions:
1). By registering as Members obtaining a significant discount. 2).- Any Professional may access the ICSAN® Verification, even if they are “not a Member”, but who make the corresponding donation payment, for the tests, exams and delivery of works without initial discount, or in the renewals. (Unless, you register as a Member of the Organization by ASFLAT®, ASFI®-AWBIS®, ASFWHO® or FEDASF®-IFAWBAS®.
The Rules and Regulations, which govern us, “prevent access to Professionals from being blocked, or from being discriminated against for any cause, motive or reason”.
Therefore, any Professional who demonstrates their Qualifications can apply for the ICSAN® Council Certification, whether or not they are a Member of this Organization.
Note: Within “ICSAN®” are included Professionals or Practitioners, Graduates in Homeopathy, who have NOT studied Homeopathic Medicine, in an Official or Regulated Entity. In all cases, you must send the Documentation that supports (valid or not, in your country) the knowledge in the matter. If you are going to Apply for ICSAN® Certification as a Homeopath, select the “ICSAN® for Homeopathy” box.
Note 2: In ICSAN® for Acupuncturists, all variants of Traditional Oriental Medicine are valid. In ICSAN® for Naturopaths, all variants of Naturopathy are valid.